Florence Jung's selection of books related to her exhibition

For Florence Jung's solo exhibition, the artist is proposing a constellation of books to be found on the central table of the Foundation's Bookshop.
Book selection for Florence Jung's solo exhibition
Discover the selection of books around Florence Jung’s exhibition concocted by the artist. Discover the artist's books at the same time.
Michel Butor, La modification, Les Editions de Minuit, 1990.
Bruce Bégout, Le Park, ALLIA, 2010.
Marguerite Duras, Le ravissement de Lil V Stein, Gallimard, 1964.
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Wakefield, ALLIA, 2012.
Laura Vazquez, Le livre du large et du long, Éditions du sous-sol, 2023.
Jung, F. (2023). Post Music. Zurich: Editions Taube.
Jung, F. (2020). New Office: The Ads 31.03.2019–31.03.2020. Paris: JBE Books.
Jung, F. (2020). Florence Jung. Zurich: Helmhaus.
Jung, F. (2018). Florence Jung. Luzern/Poschiavo: Edizioni Periferia.
Jung, F. (2015). Book. Vienna: Mark Pezinger Verlag.