Guest Program : Launch of the collective work art : moteur de recherche
art : moteur de recherche brings together nineteen articles written by artist-researchers who reflect the diversity of subjects and working methods in contemporary French-language research and creation. The articles tackle subjects as diverse as artificial intelligence, geological aesthetics, the poetics of fictions, biotechnologies and mimesis, the occult power of writing tools, the ecology of the Pyrocene, the rarefaction of time, psychedelia, the virtual voice, avatars, a film club, the art of the encounter, the figure of the rhizome, the history of the poppy, a house that breathes, the photocopier, debt and research-creation itself. While creative research is a fast-growing cross-disciplinary field, the critical literature on it is fairly recent and still sparse. That's why this edition introduces the various articles published with an extract from an interview with the contributor, giving an insight into the particular issues at stake in each approach and each research subject.
Les éditions extensibles focuses on the transversality between contemporary art and literature. They bring together artist-writers in literary publications and exhibitions and explore the issues of research writing, narrative and fiction in contemporary art.
Program :
- Presentation of the book by its co-publishers, Anna Ternon and Sébastien Souchon
- Exchange with some of the contributors about their work
- Book signing and sale