
Reflections on curating in contemporary Art

Tuesday 25 January 2011 at 7 pm

Round-table conferences: issues and methods of curating today. Organized by C-E-A / Commissaires d’exposition associés at the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard with the support of Cipac, from January, 25 to 29, 2001.

Géographies du commissaire d’exposition / Tuesday, January 25 at 10 am.

With Jean de Loisy, Caroline Hancock and Claire Staebler / Mediator Keren Detton

How does a network of curators form? In what way does such a network influence the productions of each of its members? Do the positions of theoretician or teacher, the contact with politicians, or the constraints tied to a particular context change the working methods of curators or affect their objectives? Most importantly, what about the relations with artists and the proximity with the works or their representations? How may the notion of network be linked to that of specialization or style?

Commissaires, conservateurs, etc. / Wednesday, January 26 at 10 am

With Sébastien Gokalp, Charlotte Laubard et Olivier Michelon / Médiator Daria de Beauvais

The lines are thin and porous between permanent and temporary exhibitions, current events and history, all the more since the management of a collection is sometimes involved in the process. Accordingly, should the work, the artist, or the practice in front of a public be privileged? What becomes of history in the position of curators? Which stance should they adopt towards art history, notably when they carry out missions on behalf of the state?

Une question de temps / January, Thursday, January 27 at 10 am

With Anne Bonnin, Thierry Davila et Guillaume Désanges / Mediator Marc Bembekoff

Repeated exhibitions, variables and variations, tours, permanent and adjustable exhibitions, performance and video… Time is a decisive factor in the appearance and alteration of exhibitions. Besides, it makes it possible to approach the relation with the public from a new angle, to re-imagine the notion of project, to reflect on its memory and its traces. Doesn’t designing an exhibition amount to creating, or at least playing with one or several durations?

L’exposition sans cube / Friday, January 28 at 10 am

With Mathieu Copeland, Eric Mangion et Emilie Renard / Mediator Audrey Illouz

The so-called structure of validation or legitimization that is the white cube presents just as many theoretical variables as realities. While issues such as the role of scenographer and the place given to artists in hanging the works may be raised, so may those of the materials and the media used in an exhibition – more acutely these days, with the forms of curatorship without cube multiplying.

Communiquer une pensée / January Saturday 29 at 11 am

With Nicolas Bourriaud, Catherine David et Michel Gauthier / Mediator Damien Airault

The discourse of exhibition curators sometimes goes beyond the exhibition as such to follow parallel tracks. More generally, the production of written or oral discourse often assumes a preponderant place in the curators’ daily work. How to put things into words? How to define an interstitial place, between languages, intentions, subjectivities? By extension, are we not witnessing the advent of a vocabulary specific to exhibition curators?

Fondation Pernod Ricard
1 cours Paul Ricard
75008 Paris
Free entrance
Free admission, without reservation
