
Yann Sérandour

Tuesday 6 May 2014 at 7 pm

Patrick Javault welcomes the artist Yann Sérandour.

Yann Sérandour has turned the artist’s book into a conceptual tendency, the main source behind his thinking and his work. Shifting from the space of the book to the gallery space, he can just as well come up with a bookish sequel to a famous Ruscha work or devise an exhibition by transforming a carefully striped text by Buren into a mural print. But there is no question of adopting the position of an heir presumptive, for the methods and strategies of the elders are also a means of reading and interpreting contemporary and trans-historical themes and issues.

Cactus Cuttings (an exhibition currently on view at the gb Agency), outcome of a lengthy investigation about the taste and uses of a plant, brings together natural sciences, decorative arts and the sociology of culture. Based on an image found in a magazine, the artist has constructed an atlas and an indoor garden, drawing us into a gentle daydream somewhere between a vision of tamed nature and the almost hallucinatory vision of an invasive and even devouring desert landscape. These botanical and historical cross-sections will provide the basis of our dialogue.

Free entrance
Free admission, without reservation


À la librairie 
Saturday 25 May 2024 at 5 pm

Launch of Pour des écoles d’art féministes ! 

3pm to 5pm, at Bétonsalon
Launch of Sophie Orlando's book La Part affective (Paraguay Press) and conversation with Émilie Renard and Elena Lespes Muñoz.

5pm to 6:30pm, at Fondation Pernod Ricard
Launch of Pour des écoles d'art féministes! (2024), collective work co-published by ESACM and Tombolo Presses
with T*Félixe Kazi-Tani, Gærald Kurdian, Sophie Lapalu, Vinciane Mandrin, Michèle Martel, Sophie Orlando, Clémentine Palluy, Émilie Renard and Liv Schulman.