Fabiana Ex-Souza

Born Fabiana De Souza in Belo Horizonte in 1980, lives in Paris.
Afro-Brazilian performance artist Fabiana Ex-Souza has been living in Paris since 2010. She develops a transdisciplinary practice, combining performance, video, installation and photography, particularly interested in the use in her works of materials from the plant world. In 2014, attentive to issues related to the African diaspora, she gave herself the right, by poetic-political self-decree, to expunge her slave name, thus becoming Ex-Souza. After this founding moment, the processes of healing, inherited from her Amerindian grandmother, became for her a field of study and deepening to deploy an artistic practice linked to the ecology of care. In particular, she invests the notion of the « political body » in order to reflect on the re-actualization of archives, repairs, transmission and the processes of « transmutation » of what the artist calls « ghost objects ».
Fabiana Ex-Souza is currently completing a doctorate in Visual Arts and Photography at the University of Paris-VIII on the subject of Latin American decolonial aesthetics.
Selection of projects and solo exhibitions
Performance Healing the White Gaze. Haven’t we done enough? festival « Afriques : Utopies performatives », Cité internationale des arts, Paris
Performance Ce qui fait jour, project » TRANSformACTIONS et REgeneration » organized by the Initiative for Practices and Visions of Radical Care, exhibition Freedom of Sleep, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville
DOMUS Dialoghi sul Mediterraneo/The Last Supper Project residency, Galatina (Italy)
Winner of the « Mondes nouveaux » program of the French Ministry of Culture for the itinerant project Le Radeau, with João Vieira Torres and Calixto José Ramos Neto
Photo-Performance Several Coats to Bispo, imaginary exhibition « How ecofeminist artists regenerate the world » by AWARE art historians, Beaux-Arts Magazine, n°439, January
Winner of the « The Good Life » award, organized by AWARE and CNAP, for the project Several Coats To Bispo
Performance Prendre Corps, Maison de l’Amérique latine, Paris
Performance Plusieurs Manteaux to Bispo, collective activation, carte blanche Afrikadaa » L’Entre-deux monde, l’art comme arme de guérison « , Un lieu pour Respirer, Les Lilas
Performance Plusieurs Manteaux to Bispo – Collective embroidery, Atelier Médicis, Clichy-Montfermeil
Performance Plusieurs Manteaux to Bispo – Collective elevation, L’acte éditorial live Afrikadaa » Quand les artistes dialoguent avec les ancêtres « , Centre Pompidou, Paris
Presentation of the video Navio-Ovni, cycle » Afrocyberféminismes : Renouveau des technoféminismes « , La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris
Performative reading within the play Lettre à Lula, Théâtre Montfort, Paris
Video installation De que cor você vê a minha aura? (What color do you see my aura?), carte blanche Afrikadaa « L’entre-deux mondes », Nuit des idées, La Colonie, Paris
Performance Prendre Corps, exhibition Transfert de Support (1) – Matière Revue, Les Grands Voisins, Paris
Performance Les Corps dans le musée et le musée dans les corps, carte blanche Afrikadaa » MUSÉE-L’ONT-L’EUX « , Centre Pompidou, Paris
Performative reading Congadas, Afrikadaa white card, Soirées nomades of the exhibition Beauté Congo (1926-2015) – Congo Kitoko, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris