Jérôme Mauche

Jérôme Mauche is a writer and a poet.
About fifteen of his books were published by publishing houses such as MIX., Le Seuil or Le Bleu du ciel. His work is at the junction of poetry and art. As part of his eclectic approach, he focuses on transfers of techniques from the contemporary art field towards literature, on the relationship between randomness and humor, and on intermediary forms of speech, written and spoken. He links together creative writing and institutional commitments. He is also editing Les Grands Soirs, a collection of French and foreign literature and poetry, and published by Editions des Petits Matins (the latest publication is guerre et paix sans je, by Sabine Macher, 2019). He also programs a series of readings: “Poésie plate-forme”, held at Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, and “Les Rencontres au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon”(Assises Internationales du Roman/Villa Gillet). He co-curated modern art exhibitions for several museums in France and has recently curated the exhibitions Synonymie ambiante, FRAC PACA, et Suffis-toi d’un buis, Ménagerie de Verre. He’s currently teaching at ENSA Villa Arson of Nice, where he leads a project on improvisation/indetermination.