Patricia Ricard

Patricia Ricard became President of the Oceanographic Institute in 2005 and has been committed to environmental protection for more than 30 years.
It is now working to highlight the essential role of the Ocean in our response to climate change and to raise awareness and mobilize populations and political decision-makers.
Between 2010 and 2015, it was involved with the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), for which it produced a report on biomimicry and sustainable innovation.
Since then, she has been the spokesperson for the Ocean-Climate Platform, a consortium of 70 organizations working to protect the ocean. It is in this capacity that it builds bridges between scientists and policy makers within the framework of MDGs 13 and 14 and supports the inclusion of the ocean in the UNFCCC Agenda.
Since the beginning of the year, she has co-led the workstream « Enhancing the Resilience of Marine Ecosystems » of the One Planet Lab, an initiative of President Macron, whose findings and recommendations were presented at the One Planet Summits in Nairobi and Biarritz, on the margins of the G7. She was also appointed leader of the French delegation to the Sommet des deux Rives.