Susan Hiller

Born in 1940 in Cleveland, USA.
Lisson Gallery, London (forthcoming November)
MOT Gallery, Brussels (forthcoming December 2015 -January 2016)
Channels, Den Frie, Copenhagen
Resounding (Infrared), Summerhall, The Edinburgh Art Festival, Edinburgh
Susan Hiller, The Model, Sligo, Ireland
Sounding, The Box, Houldsworth Gallery, London
Channels,The Samstag Foundation, The Adelaide Festival, Australia
Voix, Les Abattoirs Musee d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Toulouse
Provisional Realities (2 person), CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco
Can You Hear Me? (2 person), Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
Cologne Sculpture Park
The Sea – salut d’honneur Jan Hoet, Kunstmuseum Ostende,
Endless – Keitelman Gallery, Brussels
Rastros y Vestigios: Indagaciones sobre el presente (Traces and remains: Inquiries into the present). Guadelajara, Pueblo, Mexico City, 2015-2016
La Voix du Traducteur/The Translator’s Voice, FRAC Lorraine; Museo de Arte
Contemporánea de Vigo ; Sogn og Fjordane, Kunstmuseum, Norway 2015-2016
Sebald Variations, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCB)
‘Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits’, MUMA (Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne
Arstronomy, Foundation Casa Encendida, Madrid
Into Great Silence, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC), Seville
Belshazzar’s Feast, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool Bienniale
As Exciting As We Could Make It, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England
A Thousand Doors, Gennadius Library, Athens
Something in Space Escapes our Surveying, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
Take Liberty!, The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo
Koln Sculpture No. 7, Cologne
Yebisu International Art Festival, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Japan
Uncommon Ground: Land Art In Britain 1966-79, Southampton City Museum,Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK
B & W, Timothy Taylor Gallery, London
Speaking In Tongues, CCA,Glasgow
Ship To Shore, John Hansard Gallery and The Sea Museum, Southampton
A Problem So Big It Needs Other People, SBC Galerie d’Art Contemporain, Montreal