For the second time, as part of the public art program in the Tuileries gardens, the Fondation d’entreprise Ricard, the Fiac, and the Louvre museum present a selection of artist films in a container transformed in a genuine movie theatre.
The Fondation thus gives the galleries the opportunity to show artists’short films in a dedicated space during the art fair.
The films have been selected by a committee composed by Marie-Laure Bernadac, curator at Musée du Louvre, Jennifer Flay, FIAC director and Colette Barbier, director of the Fondation d’entreprise.
Around 10 artist’s films of a maximum duration of 30 minutes will be screened every day from Tuesday, October 18 to Sunday, October 23. Screenings will take place hourly from 1 pm until 6 pm, and will present one or two films depending on their respective duration.
A hoste will be present during opening hours to enable members of the public to make advance reservations for screenings.
The artists films selected :
Yto Barrada, The Botanist, Elisabetta Benassi, Non ho mani che mi accarezzino il volto, Louidgi Beltrame, Energodar, Patrick Bernatchez, 180°, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, No Future / No Past, Ulla von Brandenburg, Chorspiel, Alain Bublex, Dinner Time, Cedrik Eymenier, Mirissa, Claire Fontaine, Instructions for the Sharing of Private Property, Anna Gaskell, SOSW Ballet, Taro Izumi, Napoléon, Karen Kilimnik, Nice–and–… introducing Tabitha, Lucas Michael, Being Bree, Mc Dermott & Mc Gough, Mean to me, Peter Downsbrough, AS] IN., David Lamelas & Hildegarde Duane, Applelife®, Gonzalo Lebrija, Asterion, Frédéric Lecomte, Déshabiller le blanc / Postcard / Appart 1 / Police desk, Jeff Mills, La Danseuse, Frederic Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Alles wird wieder gut, Emilie Pitoiset, Liebe ist kälter als der Tod / Faire retour aux choses mêmes / Mimétisme, Julien Prévieux, Anomalies Construites, Florian Pugnaire & David Raffini, Casse Pipe, Tony Regazzoni, Celebration#1 – Pretty Dancing (Deca/Dance), Jean-Claude Ruggirello, Bruit de Fond, Francesco Simeti, Scene di disordine e confusione, Adam Shecter, Last Men, Martine Stig, Play, Oleg Tcherny & Giorgio Agamben, La Linea generale, T.J. Wilcox, Yours, Patsy Cline, Sislej Xhafa, Passion Fruit / Theatre who knows everything, ZimmerFrei, LKN Confidential, Yi Zhou, AboutSeana.
Tuesday, October 18
1 pm : Karen Kilimnik, Mc Dermott & Mc Gough, Jeff Mills, Emilie Pitoiset (28′)
2 pm : Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger (48′)
3 pm : Louidgi Beltrame (37′)
4 pm : Lucas Michael, Sislej Xhafa, ZimmerFrei, Elisabetta Benassi (36′)
5 pm : Florent Pugnaire & David Raffini (26′)
6 pm : Ulla von Brandenburg, Anna Gaskell (37′)
Wednesday, October 19
1 pm : Jean Claude Ruggirello, Gonzalo Lebrija, Julien Prévieux (29′)
2 pm : T.J Wilcox, David Lamelas & Hildegarde Duane, Tony Regazzoni, Sislej Xhafa, Patrick Bernatchez (46′)
3 pm : Francesco Simeti, Yi Zhou, Frédéric Lecomte, Adam Shecter (43′)
4 pm : Peter Downsbrough, Martine Stig, Taro Izumi, Alain Bublex, Cedrick Eymenier (38′)
5 pm : Yto Barrada, Oleg Techerny & Giorgio Agamben (36′)
6 pm : Claire Fontaine (45′)
Thursday, October 20
1 pm : Claire Fontaine (45′)
2 pm : Yto Barrada, Oleg Techerny & Giorgio Agamben (36′)
3 pm : Florent Pugnaire & David Raffini (26′)
4 pm : Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger (48′)
5 pm : T.J Wilcox, David Lamelas & Hildegarde Duane, Tony Regazzoni, Sislej Xhafa, Patrick Bernatchez (46′)
6 pm : Karen Kilimnik, Mc Dermott & Mc Gough, Jeff Mills, Emilie Pitoiset (28′)
Friday, October 21
1 pm : Lucas Michael, Sislej Xhafa, ZimmerFrei, Elisabetta Benassi (51′)
2 pm : Francesco Simeti, Yi Zhou, Frédéric Lecomte, Adam Shecter (43′)
3 pm : Jean Claude Ruggirello, Gonzalo Lebrija, Julien Prévieux (29′)
4 pm : Ulla von Brandenburg, Anna Gaskell (37′)
5 pm: Louidgi Beltrame (37′)
6 pm : Peter Downsbrough, Martine Stig, Taro Izumi, Alain Bublex, Cedrick Eymenier (38′)
Saturday, October 22
1 pm : Jean Claude Ruggirello, Gonzalo Lebrija, Julien Prévieux (29′)
2 pm : Yto Barrada, Oleg Techerny & Giorgio Agamben (36′)
3 pm : Karen Kilimnik, Mc Dermott & Mc Gough, Jeff Mills, Emilie Pitoiset (28′)
4 pm : Claire Fontaine (45′)
5 pm : Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger (48′)
6 pm : T.J Wilcox, David Lamelas & Hildegarde Duane, Tony Regazzoni, Sislej Xhafa, Patrick Bernatchez (46′)
Sunday, October 23
1 pm : Peter Downsbrough, Martine Stig, Taro Izumi, Alain Bublex, Cedrick Eymenier (38′)
2 pm : Ulla von Brandenburg, Anna Gaskell (37′)
3 pm : Florent Pugnaire & David Raffini (26′)
4 pm : Louidgi Beltrame (37′)
5 pm : Francesco Simeti, Yi Zhou, Frédéric Lecomte, Adam Shecter (43′)
6 pm : Lucas Michael, Sislej Xhafa, ZimmerFrei, Elisabetta Benassi (51′)
Jardin des Tuileries, near boar’s square
From October 18 to 23, 2011, screening every hour, from 1 pm to 6 pm
To reserve : [email protected] and on site.