
Editorial experimentation workshop

Saturday 15 April 2023 at 2 pm

L’anthologie, ou le reader, comme pratique éditoriale, organized by éditions Burn~Août.

An anthology, or a reader, is a collection of texts, images or documents chosen and assembled to be compared. This practice is central to our editorial work, and we are particularly interested in the theoretical, political and formal possibilities it opens up. Through this workshop, we will first present the way in which we envisage the form of the anthology and the editorial choices we have been led to make through the different experiments we have made with it :

  • De la misère en milieu étudiant, (2020)
  • L’usage de la violence, (2020)
  • L’agglossarium, (2021) co-edited with Baptiste Verrey
  • Politiser l’enfance, une pré-anthologie, (2021) co-edited with Vincent Romagny and Laurel Parker Book
  • Nous faire justice, reader sur le viol et les ripostes extrapénales (2022) co-edited with Thelma Lauren.

Then, in a second step, we will invite the participants to create their own personal collection, from a set of objects, images and texts that are close to them. Each participant will be able to experiment with the editing, the collage, the assembly and will leave with a printed object.

Free workshop upon reservation.
Information and reservations: alexis.etienne@fondation-pernod-ricard.com

A program of the Pernod Ricard Foundation and Burn-Août, an independent publishing house interested in the issues of self-publishing, translation and wide distribution.

The program offers three 4-hour workshops: Saturday, March 18, April 1 and 15.
It is possible to register for all three workshops, or individually.



Fondation Pernod Ricard
1 cours Paul Ricard
75008 Paris
Free entrance
Free admission, without reservation