
Jimmy Robert / Sirine Fattouh

Monday 30 January 2017 at 7 pm

This second session of the sixth season of Partitions (Performances) proposes two ways of following the narrative thread of a story, using and overlapping elements borrowed from elsewhere. Both proceeding with collages, quotations and reworks, the two artists offer to guide us through their respective stories using image and speech. Beginning with a choreographic interpretation of the works of one of his recent exhibitions, Jimmy Robert provides a new guided tour using the film commentary of the performance. Sirine Fattouh covers a story about Lebanon using documentary films produced by artists and film makers.

Jimmy Robert / A clean line that starts from the shoulder
Jimmy Robert’s dance and performance work oscillates between image and object, between personal and political. A clean line that starts from the shoulder is a performance in which he explores the relationship between lines, movement and shape, produced like a guided tour of an exhibition which is personal but which also integrates elements of pre-existing works, in particular the project of works by Idel Ianchelevici, Lili Dujourie, Stanley Brouwn, to which he adds different layers of meaning. After having presented a choreographic version of the exhibition at the M-Museum of Louvent, for Partitions (Performances) he offers a rereading of the exhibition, this time guided by speech.

Jimmy Robert (1975, Guadeloupe) lives and works in Bucharest (Romania). His works have been presented at The Power Plant in Toronto (2013), at the 1857 gallery in Oslo (2013), at MCA in Chicago (2012) and at the Musée du Jeu de Paume in Paris (2012). Jimmy Robert previously presented his performances at Playground STUK, in Leuven (2008), and more recently at the Migros Museum in Zurich (2015) and at the Delme Synagogue (2016), as well as Teatro Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro (2012), at the Kunsthalle Basel in Basel (2011) and at the South London Gallery in London (2010). His work is represented by the Diana Stigter Gallery in Amsterdam and the Tanya Leighton Gallery in Berlin.

Sirine Fattouh / A story of Lebanon through works by its artists and film-makers
Sirine Fattouh’s work puts into perspective the deep wounds left by the war in Lebanon, her home country, and the impact of the war on the artistic production of the region’s artists. With this performance initiated at the Mucem and continued at the Kaai Theatre in Brussels, Sirine Fattouh guides us through a part of the history of Lebanon which is concentrated into three specific moments: the end of the civil war in 1990, the attack against the previous Prime Minister in 2005 and the conflict between Israel and Lebanon in 2006.

Sirine Fattouh was born in Beirut in 1980. An artist and researcher, she lives between Paris and Beirut. She graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts of Paris Cergy in 2006 and is also a Doctor of Art and Art Science of the University of Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), with a dissertation entitled La création à l’épreuve des guerres et de leurs effets (Creation put to the test of wars and their effects), which deals with contemporary Lebanese artists. She has exhibited her work at the Beirut Art Center, the Mucem in Marseille, the Empty Quarter Gallery in Dubai, the Villa Savoye de le Corbusier (Poissy, France), the Michel Journiac gallery and at the Thessaloniki Biennale in Greece. In the near future, she will present a new version of this performance at the Kaai Theater in Brussels.

Sirine Fattouh FER 30012017
Sirine Fattouh FER 30012017

Jimmy Robert
Sirine Fattouh

Fondation Pernod Ricard
1 cours Paul Ricard
75008 Paris
Free entrance
Free admission, without reservation


À la librairie 
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