Event Matthieu Laurette Tuesday 16 December 2003 at 7 pm Please consult the French version. laurette-2.jpg Speakers Inès Champey Date 16 December 2003 Time 19h00 Location Fondation Pernod Ricard 1 cours Paul Ricard 75008 Paris Free entrance Free admission, without reservation
Aperto Saturday 21 September 16h00 Performances Aperto: PU$$Y NIGHTMARE x LYL Radio “Join us on Saturday, September 21 for the PU$$Y NIGHTMARE x LYL Radio event, open to the public, imagined by OKO DJ in the tradition of the eponymous show on LYL, and curated in collaboration with Caroline Drieu for LYL Paris.”
At the auditorium Wednesday 25 September 19h00 Des signes Talks Poésie Plateforme with Anne Bourse and L. Etchart Hosted by poet and teacher Jérôme Mauche for the past ten years, the “Poésie Plateforme” encounters initiate unexpected moments of dialogue.
At the bookshop Saturday 28 September 16h30 Toomanyrecordss à Aperto 2024. @annapiroskatoth Lectures Music as intimate fiction, a lecture by Joseph Ghosn A lecture by Joseph Ghosn Invited by MORE Projects