Zones Arides

24 November 2006 to 5 January 2007
Zones arides (which means « arid zones » or « dry areas » in French) sprang from the desire of artist and globe-trotter Olivier Mosset to share his passion for the mythical country that is Arizona.
Zones arides brings together eleven artists, in residence or as simple passengers, to form an ephemeral transatlantic scene: Wilfrid Almendra, John Armleder, Clairet & Jugnet, Aurélien Froment, Mathieu Mercier, Olivier Mosset, Morgane Tschiember as well as Chantal Akerman, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Ange Leccia. They try to remap and revisit the contours of this « arid zone » by any means available (documentary, painting, monumental sculpture, video, etc.).