Audrey Cottin

Née en 1984 à Saint-Mandé, elle est représentée par la galerie Tatjana Pieters, Gent, Belgique. Elle vit et travaille à Bruxelles.
Du monde entre mes mains j’ai vû les destinées, Perfomance, Silencio, Paris.
O.perating T.heatre, O.T. V, curated by Tatjana Pieters, CCBrugge & Bombardier
Factory, Brugge, Belgium, (June 5th, 7th, 14th, 21th).
O.perating T.heatre, O.T. IV POMPIDOU><S.M.A.K., invited by searcher
and curator Raphaële Jeune and Phenorama, Pompidou Paris, France andS.M.A.K. Ghent, Belgium. (January 21th).
Double Solo, Galerie Tatjana Pieters, Ghent (BE)
I throw away the clock, Michael Asher’s Homage, curated by Alexis Argyroglo for Flammarion Centre, Paris (FR)
La Verifica Intuitiva, curated by Residenza Bivaccourbano, Fondazione Merz, Torino (IT)
Who’s That Knocking At My Door? Cabin. May 10th – June 30th. Antwerp (BE)
Charlie & Sabrina, Who Would Have Believed?, curated by Raimundas
Malasauskas, Programme Satellite, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume,
Paris (FR)
Orange Rouge invitation en collaboration avec le musée MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine (FR)
(1/1).10, invitée par Philippe Van Snick, Galerie Tatjana Pieters, Ghent (BE)
FIAC (OFF)ICIELLE, curated by Tatjana Pieters, Tatjana Pieters Gallery,
Paris, France. (October 23th>26th).
Paper Works, curated by Tatjana Pieters, Galerie Tatjana Pieters, Ghent (BE)
«L’époque, les humeurs, les valeurs, l’attention», Prix d’entreprise
Fondation Paul Ricard, (O.perating T.heatre, O.T. VI), curated by
Castillo/Corrales, Fondation D’entreprise Ricard, Paris, France. (September 9th > October
To See What Is Coming, curated by Bernardo De Souza, Largo Das Artes, Rio De
Janeiro, Brazil. (July 17th>September13th).
ART BRUSSELS, curated by Tatjana Pieters, Tatjana Pieters Gallery, Brussels,
Belgium. (April 24th>27th).
ART BRUSSELS, curated by Chris Fitzpatrick, Objectif-exhibitions, Brussels,
Belgium. (April 24th>27th).
Cottin and Sober & Lonely, The Island & Le Salon, Brussels (BE)
Participa©tion, curated by Stéphanie Airaud, MAC/VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, (FR).
(November 30th>December 1st)
Weather Permitting, Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, (O.perating
T.heatre, O.T. I, II, III), curated by Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy , Mercosul,
Brazil. (October/November).
Mais je ne sais quel oeil par accidents
nouveaux, curated by Cargo Culte,
Jardin d’agronomie tropicale du bois de Vincennes, Nogent, FR. (April
7th>May 26th).
The Long Leash, curated by The Ister, Wolke, Brussels, BE, (March
15th>March 29th).
Le périmètre interne, curated by Veronica Valentini & Andrea
Rodriguez, Institut Français à Barcelone, SP, (February 19th > March 23th).